Prisca Duclos
Having migrated to the United States from Haiti at 2, Prisca Duclos is a first-generation college graduate on her mom’s side of the family. Healthcare was a field chosen by her parents, yet it has brought her much success and passion. During her junior year at the University of Florida, she considered changing her major to journalism. She loved public speaking and sharing the experiences of others, hoping to encourage change and bring awareness to the unspoken struggles of their people.
However, stability overpowered her desire. She obtained a Bachelor’s in Health Education Cum Laude from the University of Florida. She then earned a second Bachelor’s in Nursing from the University of Miami, and an MBA from Barry University. Nursing promised a future that her parents dreamed of for her. It helped her evade the struggles they faced as immigrants from La Gonave, Haiti. Fifteen years later, they were correct.
Today, she is the first Haitian-American director of Memorial Regional’s Surgical Services department. It is a level 1 trauma center in Hollywood, Florida. In 2021, she was part of the team that opened the doors to Jackson West Medical Center as their Director of Surgery. Engaging with the construction team in decision-making, preparing for patients’ arrival, and witnessing the first procedure occur is an experience she will always cherish.
Meanwhile, leadership has now married her desire for a career in journalism. Leadership allows her to encourage change and bring awareness by representing those who can’t consistently articulate their struggles. Thinking back to her youth, church has played a vital role in how she leads. At church, she learned how to connect with others, organize, plan, and operationalize for a common cause. Church taught her what it really means to see others.
Today, she uses her position to advocate for patients and staff. She motivates others to be resilient in pursuing professional development. Additionally, she influences women of color to break the glass ceiling as they climb corporate ladders.